Class of 2033

Our 10 year PC reunion was this weekend (yes, we are old!) so we stopped by the BBQ on Saturday afternoon to check things out.  We are so fortunate to still be very good friends with our PC crew and we see each other fairly often, but it was nice to run into people we don’t often see.  It was also an excellent opportunity to show off Pete, the newest member of the class of 2033. (Though based on current tuition rates, a private college education will be be about $400,000 by the time he’s ready, so PC may not be in the cards!) It was your reunion if your class year ended in 1 or 6, so it was also Liz’s reunion (Class of 2006) and Grampa Marr’s reunion (Class of 1971).  We have quite a family tradition at PC!

Class of '33DSC_0533

Liz, Laus and Pete

Speaking of Grampa Marr, we celebrated his birthday today with a delicious brunch and then cake at our house.  Pete loved spending time with his grandparents, and from the looks of things, the feeling is mutual!

Nana & Grampa Marr

4 thoughts on “Class of 2033”

  1. Love the PC t-shirt on Peter!!! We had a great time with you all yesterday, and cherish these special family times always.
    Nana and Grampa

  2. Good times! So happy to spend time with you all. I look forward to when Pete & I split a pitcher at Louie’s 🙂 By 2033, they’ll be charging $30 for keystone light

  3. Love the double-fisting, Liz! Pete’s getting so big! Before you know it, he’ll be ready for college. Can’t wait to see you soon xo

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