Stubborn Irish Boy

Now that Pete can stand up by himself, it’s all he does.  He will attempt to pull himself up on everything he can.  It’s adorable, but has become somewhat problematic at night.  As soon as we lay him in his crib, he stands up. The last few nights have been a bit trying, because he just refuses to sleep. Needless to say, he’s exhausted. So tonight, when we put him to bed, he immediately stood up.  And then fell asleep:

He woke himself up a few minutes later and started to cry.  We went back in and laid him down and he did eventually fall asleep on his back, but I couldn’t help but laugh to see him slumped over the edge of the crib.  It’s semi-heartbreaking, hilarious and adorable all at the same time.  But it’s so Pete.  And I wouldn’t want him any other way!

8 thoughts on “Stubborn Irish Boy”

  1. Shades of the past….we remember those nights with Pat !!! Hugs and sweet dreams to all of you from Nana and Grampa Marr!!!

  2. Hey guys – 2 1/2 months without a posting. I need a little Peter J. Marr fix to cheer me up. Get cracking!

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