James – Four Month Update

Our littlest man is four months old!  James is growing and changing every day.  At his four month appointment last week, he weighed 15 lbs. 6 oz. and was 25.25 inches long.  That puts him right at the 50th percentile all the way around, but everyone that sees him comments on how big he is!  He’s “solid and strong” as the doctor said and we think he’s just perfect.Four months old! #daylate #bestsmile #lovehim

James smiles, laughs and “talks” so much every day.  He found his feet and his hands and both are constantly in his mouth. He’s starting to get pretty good at grabbing for a toy and putting it in his mouth too.  He actually fell asleep during his nap today holding his feet!  I guess he didn’t want to lose them?photo (55)

James can roll both ways, but much prefers to roll from back to front. He’s a happy little guy (most of the time) and keeps us on our toes with his sleep schedule – or lack thereof.  James gets a big kick out of Bailey and saves his biggest smiles for her and Pete.  He adores Pete and doesn’t take his eyes off him.  If he’s crying or sad, all it takes is one look at Pete to make him smile again.  It is so fun to watch their relationship develop. It’s hard to imagine what life was like before James arrived, it feels like he’s always been part of our family.  We love our little buddy so much and are excited for the months ahead!

3 thoughts on “James – Four Month Update”

  1. Nana and Bumpa love watching James and Pete interact…their smiles and their stories are the best!!

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