James – Six Month Update

James is six months old!  I have no idea how half a year has gone by already.  It’s frightening how fast the time goes. James had his six month check-up today; he weighed in at 17lbs. 6oz and 26″ tall! The doctor proclaimed him healthy and strong, music to my ears. James started eating solid food this weekend. He tried oatmeal, apples and sweet potatoes so far.  He doesn’t seem crazy about the sweet potatoes, but loved the apples!  James is such a happy baby now.  He had a very fussy few months, but now is all smiles and a pretty mellow guy.  James just started sleeping in his crib. We had tried a few times before, with little success.  But on Friday, we decided it was time.  And he did great! He fussed for 5 minutes, I went in to soothe him and then he just sucked on his little fingers, rolled over and fell asleep! He’s done great all weekend, so fingers crossed it is a trend that continues!

James babbles like crazy, drools like crazy and remains obsessed with Pete and Bailey.  He can sit on his own for short periods of time and then topples over, but is getting stronger every day.  He is very mobile and rolls all over the floor when he’s playing.  He tries to get up on all fours, so I think he’s pretty close to crawling!  We love our littlest man more than I ever thought possible.

Six months old today! Where does the time go?! #brothers #yelling #soloud

James – Five Month Update

Our littlest man is already five months old! How that is possible, I do not know. James is a happy, cuddly, sweet little baby.  His smile lights up a room and his laugh is awesome.  His eyes are a deep, deep blue and they twinkle when he smiles and I love it. James rolls over, grabs at his toys, puts everything in his mouth that he can and is drooling like crazy – I think he is teething, poor guy. He babbles constantly and has this raspy little voice.  It sounds like he is roaring sometimes and it’s so cute! I think he is just about ready to sit up on his own; he is so strong and it seems like his little muscles are always flexed. His little arms and legs shake when he is excited about something too! James is obsessed with his brother and Bailey, and I love watching their interactions. James dislikes his crib and sleeping through the night, but we’ll get there eventually … I hope. For now, I’m trying to savor those late night cuddles, because I know they won’t last forever.  We love our little buddy so much and really can’t imagine life before him!

Five months old! #timeflies

James – Four Month Update

Our littlest man is four months old!  James is growing and changing every day.  At his four month appointment last week, he weighed 15 lbs. 6 oz. and was 25.25 inches long.  That puts him right at the 50th percentile all the way around, but everyone that sees him comments on how big he is!  He’s “solid and strong” as the doctor said and we think he’s just perfect.Four months old! #daylate #bestsmile #lovehim

James smiles, laughs and “talks” so much every day.  He found his feet and his hands and both are constantly in his mouth. He’s starting to get pretty good at grabbing for a toy and putting it in his mouth too.  He actually fell asleep during his nap today holding his feet!  I guess he didn’t want to lose them?photo (55)

James can roll both ways, but much prefers to roll from back to front. He’s a happy little guy (most of the time) and keeps us on our toes with his sleep schedule – or lack thereof.  James gets a big kick out of Bailey and saves his biggest smiles for her and Pete.  He adores Pete and doesn’t take his eyes off him.  If he’s crying or sad, all it takes is one look at Pete to make him smile again.  It is so fun to watch their relationship develop. It’s hard to imagine what life was like before James arrived, it feels like he’s always been part of our family.  We love our little buddy so much and are excited for the months ahead!

James – three month update

James is three months old already!  Where does the time go?  I cannot believe it’s been three months since we met our little stud muffin! James is a happy guy.  He is thankfully starting to outgrow his rage/fussy time at night, which is great.  He is full of smiles and laughs and “talks” all the time.  He loves being outside and it’s pretty much a guaranteed way to get him to stop crying.  James is always moving his arms and legs and is rarely still.  He loves his big brother and I love watching their relationship grow and change!  James loves playing peek-a-boo with his dad, and lets out these big laughs when he sees Pat.  It’s adorable and makes us laugh every time.  James loves to eat and is a tank.  He’s wearing mostly six month clothing, and already busting out of a few outfits! We are so in love with our little man and are looking forward to what’s to come this month!

Three months old!! #timeflies

Mother’s Day 2014

We had a great Mother’s Day this year.  Sunday morning dawned sunny and warm, so we packed up the boys and headed to the beach. We played in the sand, dipped our toes in the (freezing cold) water and just relaxed in the sun.  As I’ve mentioned before, I always feel just a little bit closer to Brienna when I’m near the water.  So walking along the beach with Pat and our boys while taking in the sights, sounds and smell of the ocean just felt good for my soul.  It was perfect.

Beach day with my boys! ️#mothersday #love

I had hoped for a peaceful afternoon at the cemetery, but with two kids, it didn’t quite happen as I envisioned! Pete was running around trying to pick flowers off the other graves, James was crying and it was just a bit chaotic.  I was sad about it for a bit, but then I realized that it’s just part of life with kids.  I am so incredibly blessed to be a mom to Brienna, Pete and James.  My boys make me happier than I ever thought possible, even amidst the chaos.  And I like to think that Brienna was smiling down on her family and feeling the love we all have for her.  She started me on this journey of motherhood, and I’m forever grateful to her for giving me such an amazing gift.  I am constantly amazed at how much love my heart can hold for my kids.  I am one lucky mom.

PF5D2784RHappy Mother’s Day to all the great mothers we know and love! We were lucky enough to see both our moms this weekend, spending Saturday with Nana and Sunday with Bana.  It was a  great weekend 🙂

James – Two Month Update

It’s hard to believe James is already two months old!  He had his well visit at the pediatrician this morning and weighs 12 lbs. 6 oz. and is 22 inches long.  James is a pretty content little guy. He is smiling a lot now, and it’s the cutest thing ever.  He coos and “talks” and we love it! I forgot how mesmerizing a baby can be.  There are many days I don’t get much done at all around the house because I just stare at him! James loves his brother and will dish out the biggest smiles for him. James is truly a beautiful baby and we’re loving every minute with our happy littlest guy!

photo (46)

James – One Month Update

It is hard to believe that James is already a month old!  Time is flying by and it seems like the last month  passed in a complete blur.  Our littlest guy is doing great. He had his one month appointment at the pediatrician and weighs 10 lbs, 7 oz and is 21.25″ tall!

Can't believe my little guy is already a month old! #timeflies

We are totally smitten with James.  He is starting to smile and (almost) coo, and is mostly laid back with the exception of a few hours at night!  He is incredibly strong and always moving but loves to snuggle and be held too.  We’re excited to see what month #2 has in store for him!