Southwick’s Zoo

We met the Vogel clan at Southwick’s Zoo yesterday.  We had never been there before, and we loved it!  There was so much to see and do, and we had a really great day.


One of the attractions is a deer forest.  Deer are literally everywhere and will eat right from your hand, let you pet them, and in Pete’s case, try and make friends. He was a bit surprised by this deer’s interest in him and promptly tried to run away … his is face says it all: IMG_9142


We saved the rides for the end of our visit and learned that at this stage of his life, Pete is not a fan of mechanical rides. He and Pat rode the carousel together (which he has loved in the past) but yesterday, one of my boys enjoyed himself much more than the other … poor Pete.  The nice man running the carousel stopped it so he could get off.


As we were leaving the zoo, Pete pulled his hood up.  When we asked him why, he said it was because he didn’t want the animals to see him. He’s such a clown.  And very stealth:


We had such a fun day with friends and will definitely go back to Southwick’s!

Conroy Family Vacation 2013

We had a great vacation at the Finger Lakes with Bana, Birdie, KK, ShayKay, Tim, Jenny, Quinn, Reece, Lena and Brennan … and the three dogs!  We all rented a house on Seneca Lake in upstate NY and it was great to spend time together.  Pete loved getting to play with his cousins every day.  He and Lena are six months apart and two little mischievous munchkins.  They were in cahoots much of the trip 🙂

Our trip started on Sunday, and we left the house bright and early for our 6ish hour ride. The car was packed with all sorts of stuff to keep Pete entertained, and he did great.  He and B took a nap together after lunch and we arrived just in time to unload the car in a torrential downpour. I can never understand how Bailey is comfortable sleeping like this, but if she and Pete are in the car together, she always sleeps on him.  It’s so cute:


We didn’t think Pete would sleep in a pack-n-play, so we bought a kids air mattress (with construction sheets!) and crossed our fingers that he would sleep in a bed for the first time in an unfamiliar place. Luckily he was so exhausted from all the excitement he slept just fine!  Pat or I had to stay with him for a bit, but once he fell asleep, he stayed asleep the whole night and would wait until Pat or I said hi in the morning before getting up and jumping into our bed.  He looked so grown up in his big boy bed:IMG_4653

On Monday we went to the Seneca Lake Spray Park – we had never been to one of these and it was so much fun!  The weather wasn’t great, but the kids didn’t mind a bit.  There was a playground, small beach (with no swimming during the week-weird) and then the spray park. It was a huge hit with the kids and I have no idea how they weren’t bothered by the cold water:

spray park kids


Tuesday was winery day, but it turns out that wine tasting is incredibly difficult with 5 small children!  The first winery we went to had tastings for kids, which was so cute and kept the kids entertained for about two minutes.  We all had lunch altogether and then Bana offered to watch the four older kids so we could actually enjoy ourselves.


not really brothers

the whole gang

birdie and the kids

On Wednesday we all went to Niagara Falls.  It was about a two hour drive to Canada, but well worth it.  We walked across the border, which was neat and then spent the day exploring and being tourists.  bana birdie canada

We rode the Maid of the Mist and it was such a cool way to see the Falls; the pictures truly don’t do them justice:2013-07-31

Niagara Falls Family Photo

We rented a pontoon boat on Thursday so we could cruise the lake (and tube!) but the weather didn’t totally cooperate. We still had fun though, so it was definitely worth it!  KK and reece tubing

Pat, Pete and I decided to go to Watkins Glen for the afternoon too. We saw signs for the The Glen so we decided to check that out first.  I have never been to anything Nascar in my life, but the raceway was actually really cool.  It was gigantic and while there weren’t any events going on, the stadium was still open for a race starting over the weekend, so we were able to explore and walk around a little bit.  Pete loves anything and everything race car related, so he thought it was pretty darn cool too. I don’t think we’ll call ourselves Nascar fans anytime soon, but I do think it would be pretty neat to see an actual race take place!DSC_1551The rest of the week was pretty lowkey.  We weren’t able to swim at the house, but there was a hot tub and a fire pit and we had fun just hanging out and being lazy. At night we made s’mores and would wait for the freight train that came by every night:


Tim and Jenny organized a family photo that turned out surprisingly well and didn’t end up with any cameras in the water – though it was close a few times!

family photo

We crammed a lot into one week and it flew by.  It was a great trip and everyone still likes each other … in fact, we’re planning to make it a bi annual event and are already brainstorming a 2015 trip!



I have so many posts in draft status, but had to share this picture of Pete from yesterday! Our street is being paved and it made his entire day.

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When I picked him up from school yesterday, his teachers said they heard nothing about vacation, and that he only talked about the pavers and construction vehicles he saw in the morning 🙂  He gets soo excited and it’s so adorable to watch.  I love seeing the world through his big blue eyes!

4th of July 2013

We spent a great weekend at the Cape celebrating the 4th of July.  Pete loves “the Cape Cod” and we are so fortunate that we’re able to visit there as often as we are!  Pete got a hand-me-down play gym from his cousin Jaden and he couldn’t be happier about it.  The slide just might be his favorite part:


We went to the 4th of July parade in Orleans on Thursday.  It was roughly 1000 degrees, but we still managed to have a good time.  We found some shade for our little fair skinned lad, but it was virtually impossible to stay cool for long. Luckily, a bubble gun and some music kept the man happy as could be despite the heat!


After exploring Chatham and checking out Chatham Light on Friday morning, we spent the afternoon at the beach.  One of the best parts about the Cape is the post beach (or anytime) outdoor shower. Pete thought so too and got such a kick out of running around the backyard naked and yelling.  He is such a boy.  And will definitely hate me for this picture someday, but I couldn’t resist:

outdoor shower

On Saturday, we hung around the house and played in the backyard.  Pete loved his little pool and the sprinkler. He was so funny running up to it and putting his belly in the cold water.  I forgot how much fun sprinklers can be!


We went to a cookout at Pam and Steve’s on Sunday, and had a great afternoon!  It’s always fun to watch Pete and Gracie together, and Pete especially loved Uncle Steve’s boat – particularly getting to beep the horn … he’s been talking about it ever since!



It was a fun, busy weekend but as usual, we had a great time at the Cape with Nana, Bumpa and Lizzie and already can’t wait for our next visit!


Pool Party!

Pete took his first dip in KK and ShayKay’s pool today! He was hesitant at first, but once he warmed up to it, he had NO fear.  It was borderline disturbing.  He would launch himself off the edge of the deck into the pool, not caring if there was anyone there to catch him (there always was).  Kris and I spent most of the afternoon anticipating his every move and catching him as he laughed and screamed and jumped right in.  It was exhausting but so much fun and I can’t wait do it again!  Though I see a life jacket in his future 🙂

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pete in the pool

Happy Birthday Brienna

Where does the time go? Brienna would be four years old today.  It seems impossible for that to be true, and yet it is. I remember the day our baby girl was born like it was yesterday.  I can feel the weight of her little body in my arms and I can feel the tears slide off my cheeks onto hers. I miss her.


We told Pete that today was Brienna’s birthday and that was why we were bringing her some balloons.  He was thoughtful for a minute and then said “Oh! Brienna needs a cupcake for her birthday” … I would give anything to watch her eat cupcakes on her birthday.  I hope that she’s enjoying as many as she wants in her corner of Heaven.  But more importantly, that she feels all the love from her family here on Earth.

brienna 4
         Birthday balloons and a rose from her rosebush

Happy 4th Birthday, sweet Brienna Marie.  We love you and miss you so much.


A Mother’s Love

Mother’s Day brings mixed emotions for me. I remember being petrified that no one would recognize that even though my baby was sick, I was in fact pregnant, about to be a mom and totally in love with my daughter.  Pat framed several of his favorite pictures from our maternity photo shoot and gave them to me after I got home from work that Mother’s Day night in 2009. To this day, it is one the sweetest, most thoughtful gifts I’ve ever received.  I was acknowledged as a mom, the one thing I wanted to be above all else, and it meant everything to me.

I remember hating that I didn’t have proof I was a mom.  I was pregnant for 9+ months, gave birth, held my baby in my arms, loved my baby with my whole heart and yet she wasn’t here. The badge of honor I so desperately wanted was missing.  The first time I walked around Target with Pete, I cried, because for years, I had dreamed of being able to do just that.  As I watched with envy the other moms push their kids around, I hoped and prayed that someday, it would be me.  As Pete gets older, trips to Target are by no means idyllic and yet, I still feel so lucky just to get to be there with him. I remember being that girl a few years ago and a wave of gratitude washes over me … I am his mother.

A mother’s love means an unbreakable bond. It means loving with everything you have, even at the risk of loss. It means loving despite crippling fear. And a mother’s love most certainly does not disappear in death.  I am so proud to be Brienna and Pete’s mother. My Mother’s Day wish is to spend time at the cemetery, so I get to be with both of my kids. One in my heart forever, one who holds my hand. Both who changed me profoundly.

mother's day 2013

On a much brighter note, I also want to say Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms we know and love!  To Bana and Nana especially … we love you so much and are so grateful for your constant love, support, guidance and inspiration. I have had amazing examples of what it truly means to be a mom. Thank you.

Celebrating Two at the Zoo!

Pete and his favorite people hit up the zoo for his second birthday.  He was still feeling a little under the weather, but had been so excited for the zoo that I couldn’t disappoint him. He definitely wasn’t himself, but we all had fun anyway (until I got sick, then KK, then Birdie, then Liz, and finally Nana).  Apparently it was a very contagious bug and the gift that kept on giving – oops.  Everyone insisted it was worth the risk, but I still feel horrible!


Pete loves having all his family together (so do we!) so despite him not feeling 100%, we all had a great day. He was a tired little guy, but had just enough energy to eat cake and open presents and then promptly took a nap. Everyone that got sick is finally on the mend, and we’re very grateful that everyone loves Pete so much they still wanted to celebrate his birthday with him!  He’s a lucky little boy 🙂

Happy 2nd Birthday Pete!

Poor Pete’s had a rough start to his birthday.  For the first time in his two years, he threw up.  And was up all night intermittently throwing and going.  We all cuddled on the couch overnight and it was heartbreaking to watch him feel so miserable.  He was such a trooper and seems to be on the mend now, so hopefully that is the end of it.

If I thought Pete’s first year flew by, his second year has gone even faster.  I cannot believe he is two already!  He’s been very excited about his birthday and we had plans to go to the aquarium for the day, but we had to postpone and will hopefully go another day soon.  He took the news pretty well and we’re still hoping to go to the zoo tomorrow.  Pete’s one request for his birthday was a motorcycle, but I told him that would likely never happen on my watch … I think he’ll survive 🙂

A lot has changed since this day two years ago:


Pete is such a sweet, funny, happy, smart and lovable guy.  He gives the best hugs, is so empathetic and sometimes I still can’t believe he’s our son.  We won the lottery when it comes to kids. He has truly changed our lives in the most amazing way possible.

Happy Birthday Pete!  We love you so much and are so lucky to be your parents.

Spring Has Sprung!

Finally. We’ve been taking advantage of the great weather and doing lots of playing outside.  Pete loves going to the playground, and luckily there are a couple within walking distance of our house. Slides make him happy!

playground pics


We’ve also been spending lots of time at the zoo.  Not only does Pete love the animals (elephants and giraffes are his favorite) but there is a cool little playground too, and his favorite thing to do is paint.

zoo pics


Happy Spring!